One of my favorite things to add to an otherwise simple hairstyle is micro-braids. I don’t know why I love them so much but I do! This is yet another simple style – nothing too complex about it, but I love the look the micro braids give it.
Step 1 – Make a ponytail
Step 2 – Add ribbon
I guess this step could technically be optional! Make sure the ribbon you use is a bit longer than the ponytail so you don’t run out. Secure it on the under side of the ponytail. Leave just a little tail so it doesn’t pull out.
Step 3 – Part out small section of hair from under the ponytail
Step 4 – Make a micro braid with that section
Step 5 – Wrap around base of ponytail & secure
We wrapped and secured the braid by using the same method we show in THIS video (it’s just that we’ve wrapped a braid, not straight hair around the base of the ponytail.) You could bobby pin it or use a Topsy Tail if that works better for you. Be sure the braid wraps around that little tail of ribbon underneath as well.
Step 6 – Make 2 micro braids in the ponytail & secure with elastics
Part out small sections that are closer to the right & left edges of the ponytail. You don’t want these to be too close to each other. Braid down as far as you can & secure the ends.
Step 7 – Make a regular 3 strand braid & secure with an elastic
Use the ribbon as your middle strand & make a regular braid. The hardest part of this style is keeping those micro braids on top so when you plait the braid they still show up!
Step 8 – Wrap ribbon (optional)
If you have extra ribbon that extends past the end of your braid, you can wrap it around the clear elastic at the bottom, or just cut the extra off & hide it in the hair below the elastic.
That’s it! See what a few micro braids can add to an otherwise simple style? This would be great for a Christmas style too if you were to add a red or green ribbon instead!
This looks awesome!! Of course, the fact that Bee has amazing hair helps too!!! 🙂
This is so pretty. And oh my goodness, I can’t believe how long her hair is now!
i just love this so easy but beautiful
OMG….it’s so easy and cute. I’ll try this hairstyle today for my sister.
Thank you for all of your tutorials and videos! I must say that your girls have absolutely stunning hair! 🙂 I hope to try some of these out on my oldest. 🙂 Thank you!