I’ve had several people e-mail me recently about how I do “pull-through’s.” There is a “hair tool” you can use to make these called a Topsy Tail, but we don’t have one and so this is how I make them. I finally got around to making a quick video to show you. Don’t know if it’ll help in your process if you struggle with these, but here it is nonetheless. For me, there are things that I just have to practice over & over until I feel like I’ve got them down & if this is the case for you w/pull through’s — as Mom’s everywhere say, “practice makes perfect!” Good luck!
Hope this helps. I usually use a lighter colored rubberband so if it doesn’t pull through as nicely as I’d hoped you can’t see the rubber band glaring at you. I did a bright one so you could see it when I did the video, but this one came through nicely so you can’t even see it I don’t think.
I am the mother of three sons. I little to no hair skills. I have three grand daughters. Thanks. Now I have a couple of ideas to try when they spend the night.