I realized it’d been a while since I’d posted anything with Bee’s hair done, so in the spirit Easter, I thought we’d try a quick little updo on my “baby.” This would probably work on anyone’s hair, but it was easy and quick with the little amount of hair she has.
I started with her hair damp after her bath. I then put some of the Garnier curl enhancer stuff I use in it. Part the hair off into a triangle & make a ponytail – loose enough to be able to do a “pull through” and make it look like this:
Then on the right side I slightly parted her hair off from from the ear up to the triangle part I’d made in the previous step. Then I loosly pulled her hair back, gave it a slight twist and anchored it with a bobby pin. If you need a refresher on how to put a bobby pin in to really secure twists like this — go HERE and watch the 2nd video.
Then I did the same with the left side of her hair. I pulled this one up higher on her head, because the triangle part from the pull through was angled further away. So this bobby pin ends up a bit higher up, instead of right on the side of her head.
Then take the hair that is hanging down in back & loosely sweep it upwards and give it a few good twists – as if you were making a french twist or something.
I first anchored it with a bobby pin just like the sides of her head, but in the end I decided to use a clear claw clip. Once you’ve secured it with the clip or bobby pin, let the hair cascade down over the claw clip if you can.
So then this is a view from on top. You’ve pulled hair up from all 4 directions of the head — front, 2 sides, and now the back. If your DD has curly hair, you’ll have less work to do at this point. I gathered the mess of hair on top loosely, haphazardly leaving a bit of hair out here or there especially from the sides, and then secured it all with another clear claw clip towards the back – above the first claw clip. (Sorry, I forgot a picture of this step.)
Once you’ve gathered all the hair and have things where you want, if you aren’t working with natural curl, grab out a small curling iron & curl away until things look like you want. I have these flowers that I’d glued to baby claw clips some time back & I just positioned them around my clear claw clip to hide it.
As I mentioned, I didn’t pull everything back into that 2nd clear claw clip so here you can see from the side, that I still had a few hairs hanging out from the bobby pinned section on the side & I touched those up with my curling iron so they’d hang nicely curled.
While taking her pictures she closed her door & wanted to stand in the corner …. (bet you can’t guess who’s a mean mom sometimes & puts her kids in the corner 🙁 … ironically she wasn’t in trouble at this moment, she just wanted to stand there — which helped her to stand still for pictures!) So here’s a view from directly behind her.
She got her hands on her some plastic eggs during the whole process (seriously not planned!) and wouldn’t put them down. Here’s a view sort of from the top.And our happy Bee!
(As a side note – I guess this kind of just looks like a curly ponytail from the pictures, but to see it for real – it made it a bit fancier & pretty by doing it this way, than just curling a ponytail!) Either way – you can dress it up a bit and curls always make for pretty hair I think.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter weekend. And if you don’t happen to celebrate Easter, I wish you a fabulous weekend all the same. Hopefully spring time is starting to actually manifest itself wherever you are. I think it might hit 60 today here. Finally!
awe…Just saw this one…I love seeing bee so little!!! very cute (as always) I really like this hair style!
I totally forgot about that one! I think it’s fun too to look back and see how much she’s changed! Thank you so much Erin for always commenting & sharing on FB. So many people just visit and never let us know they are here – so I appreciate you taking the time to say hi! 🙂