I’ve had a few requests for other things that can be done with Bee’s head of baby hair. On normal days she gets a little “fountain” on the top – or “spout” as my husband calls them. But this is one other thing I’ve done recently just for fun. Kinda silly, but I thought she looked cute – but hey, what else is a mother going to say?! I guess these could also be classified as mini pin curls that the ladies used to do back in the 30’s and 40’s – except I don’t have baby bobby pins so I just used mini-claw clips to hold them in place – so these could be baby Bantu knots as well
Step 1 – Part hair in 3 sections – Dividing the middle one in half.
I parted her hair into 3 sections on top and because her middle section has the most hair at this point, I divided it into two sections. With her hair nice and wet I grabbed the sections of hair and twirled them around my finger and twisted, very similar to getting the “snakes” in a couple posts ago.
Step 2 – Twist the hair onto itself
Once I got them twisted enough I used the mini-clip and fastened it down to the hair on her scalp. Unlike the snake hair I wanted the little ends curling up and out, so I made sure those weren’t included where I clipped the hair down. I let those kind of curl however they wanted.
Step 3 – Secure with clip or bobby pin
Step 4 – Repeat with all sections of hair
I’ve also had a few questions on how I get her to keep things in her hair – clips, bows, etc. If her hands ever start making their way into her hair, I just regularly pull them out. Or I put the hair accessory back in and so the game repeats. She eventually just gets busy with something else. I’ve been doing stuff w/her hair since she was born and so I think for the most part, she’s used to it. Maybe that’s the key – doing stuff from the start, I don’t know. I obviously wouldn’t recommend this one for kids who tend to put things in their mouth and eat them!
Whenever I get done w/her hair, she always checks herself out in the mirror. She sat really still for me when I did this and she just looked at herself when I was done like she was “all that!”
The best part, however, was the hair after the day was over and I pulled out the clips for bedtime!! What a riot. I guess if you are wanting to get curls in your DD’s hair, and not risk burning her with a curling iron – this would be the way to get them. Despite her having curly hair, this was a lot curlier than she has normally! Remember, Bee’s is almost 18 months old, so we’re still dealing with baby short hair here! She gave a big “Oooooo” when she saw the results! So cute!
We got quite the ‘Fro going on here. It was hilarious. Just thought you might want a good laugh for the day too. Since it was her bedtime, I didn’t really mess with seeing what I could do with the after math of curls, but it might of turned into something fun. I’ll save that for another day.
And just because it was so funny, I thought I’d include this funny video. I’m not sure at this point if she was laughing at her hair, or her wacking her cup on my mirror. Either way, it should bring a smile to your face.
*** I uploaded this video to YouTube long after it was actually shot back when I did this post in 2008 … I included some of the pictures that are in this post on the video as well ****