Hopefully you caught our post from last week where we shared 15 Ponytail Styles for Summer. It continues to be extremely hot here. It’s been over 100 degrees every day for way too long now (approx. 37-38 degrees C) and the girls are frequently pulling their hair up, to get it off their necks. I did this style on Bee recently and I loved the way it turned out, so we did it a second time and created a tutorial this time. This one is great for hot summer days, sports or school. And the ponytails up front held up nicely so we were able to recycle the style the next day as well.There isn’t anything too complicated about this style, assuming you can make a 4 strand braid. Making all the little ponytails is the part that takes the longest. And like I mentioned it’s great for summer, sports, and school.
Step 1 – Create a part that goes from ear to ear over the top of the head
Step 2 – On the top center, near the forehead, part out a triangular section of hair and create a small ponytail
Step 3 – To the right of that ponytail, part out 3 more triangle sections of hair and secure them all with elastics making 3 small ponytails
Step 4 – On the left side of the top center ponytail, create 3 more triangle sections of hair and secure them all with elastics making 3 more small ponytails
Step 5 – You should now have 7 small ponytails running across the head from ear to ear
We like to use colored elastics for the small ponytails to add pops of color to the style. Try these Goody Ouchless Colored Elastics for this cute style!
Step 6 – With the remaining hair down in back, gather all the hair into a low ponytail near the nape of the neck and secure with an elastic
Step 7 – Divide the center top ponytail in half
Step 8 – Take the right half of the top center ponytail and with the other 3 ponytails on the right side, begin a 4 strand braid
If you need help with 4 strand braids, you can see our post on How to Create a 4 Strand Braid.
Step 9 – Continue braiding until the braid reaches the ponytail from Step 6. Temporarily secure the end with an elastic.
Step 10 – On the left side of the head, take the left half of the top center ponytail, and with the other 3 ponytails on the left side, create another 4 strand braid
Step 11 – Braid until it reaches the low ponytail and temporarily secure the end with a clip
Step 12 – With a clear elastic, secure both braids to the low ponytail. The braids will create a V shape once they are secured.
Step 13 – If desired, wrap the base of the ponytail with a small amount of hair to hide the elastics
Click HERE to see our post on How to Wrap a Ponytail.

When we did the style the first time (above) I kept the 4 strand braids a lot tighter, but when I redid the style for the video (below), I tugged on the edges of the braid just a bit to make it flatter and wider. You can do whatever you prefer!
And again, if you missed our post from last week, be sure to check out last week’s post – 15 Ponytail Styles for Summer. They will keep you looking and feeling cool this summer!