I realize most of you probably wanted heart hairdo’s for today, being that most kids have their Valentine’s Day parties at school & such. So I’m sorry this is rather tardy. (No pun intended!) Life just proves to never go as planned and Bee has turned over a new leaf — a tantrum leaf. I’m not liking it one bit. So my days lately are full of tantrums and tears instead of other things I’d rather be or need to be doing. But I did manage to squeak one V-day hairdo out this year. So here you are! Doing the heart wrapping the hair in rubber bands, as I did a few posts ago, made it seem “wreath-ish” to me! 🙂
Start by making a 1/2 ponytail – parting the hair from ear to ear and secure with a rubber band.
Divide the pony tail in 1/2 and then using the Rubber Band Wrapping technique, wrap each section most of the way down the hair. We used red rubber bands since it’s V-day and all!
Then bring the ends of each of the wrapped sections of hair together, and secure together in a rubber band.
Here’s where she wasn’t sitting still and none of the pictures turned out. But after you secure the ends with a rubberband, flip the hair up onto the top of the head and shape into a heart. Or something that sort of resembles a heart – like ours! LOL
Secure with a little claw clip to the top of the head to hold the heart shape.
Then take the tails of the heart and divide in half and bring down towards the base of your original ponytail.
Then with the rest of the hair that has been hanging down, pull that into a pony, incorporating the little tails from your heart into the bottom ponytail.
Her little ends barely reach into her bottom ponytail, but it worked! If you’re working with shorter hair, if you make the heart smaller, that will help make the tails a bit longer to reach into the bottom ponytail.
You could do a pull through here if you want, but I opted for a bigger claw clip and clipped it around the base of the bottom ponytail and a bit of the ponytail.
When you let the hair back down it should cascade nicely like this. If you don’t have a claw clip, you can do a “Cascading Waterfall Pony” like I did forever ago in THIS post.
Here’s where her multiple personalities shine through. Might as well see our true colors! 🙂 These pictures were taken just seconds apart. I never know what I’m going to get from her! Ah, gotta live this age!
There you have it. Our Heart (ish) Wreath! Happy Valentines Day everyone. I hope you have a fabulous weekend. For us it’s a 3 day weekend, so we’ll be kicking back & chillin! Hope you can too!