It’s that time of year again when heart hairstyles start showing up on social media again and so it’s had me thinking about some fun new heart hairstyles! Over the years, we’ve created quite a few Valentine’s Day hairstyles, but this one I created rather by accident, but in my opinion, those are the best kind!
Tips for creating this style:
** A Topsy Tail is really a must-have for this style. Buy a Topsy Tail HERE. (We use ours all the time, you won’t regret owning one!)
** I found using smaller sections of hair/ponytails works better to create small cute hearts.
** Don’t cinch the ponytail extremely tight to the scalp or it makes it harder to loosen hair and create the heart. But you don’t want it to be too loose either or it won’t hold its shape.
** Start slowly and gently pinch and pull on the hair to form the heart. It’s hard to undo a big bubble or snag in the hair if you pull too quickly or too much hair out to begin with. It’s easier to gradually create the heart shape.
** If you’re wanting to have “double sided” hearts so they can be seen from the front and back of the head, be sure the ponytails aren’t too far back on the head.
Here’s our short video showing how it’s done, and below are the step-by-step instructions and more pictures.
Step 1 – Create 4 (or more) long rectangular sections of hair from the temples back across the crown of the head
Step 2 – Make a ponytail near the crown in each of those 4 sections, securing with a colored elastic
Step 3 – Starting on the left ponytail, take the pointed end of the Topsy Tail and insert it underneath the ponytail so the point comes out near the elastic on top of the ponytail
Again, if you’re needing a Topsy Tail, Buy a Topsy Tail HERE.
Step 4 – Using the Topsy Tail, flip the ponytail up and over the elastic
Step 5 – Because of the flipped ponytail, there is now a bit of left and right section of tight twisted hair above the elastic
Step 6 – With the tight twisted hair above the elastic, very gently, pinch and pull the hair to being forming a heart shape
Step 7 – Work back and forth on the left/right section of twisted hair until the heart is as big as you want it
Step 8 – Repeat steps 3-7 on the remaining ponytails across the crown of the head
Step 9 – With remaining hair down in back you can do whatever you want – add a ponytail, bun, braid, etc. We opted to just leave it straight down and keep it simple!
BONUS: If you positioned the ponytails just right, you will have a “crown” of double sided hearts running across the top of the head and can be seen from the front and from the back! (Keep scrolling to see pictures from both angles.)

See! Here’s the cute hearts visible from the front! Bonus! 🙂
Here’s a nice up close look at these cute hearts!
If you’re looking for more Valentine’s Day / Heart Hairstyles, go HERE. These are just a few of our favorites from years past:
Be sure to pin and share today’s Valentines’ Day hairstyle too!