This weekend I’ve been putting my Halloween decorations and bringing out the few Thanksgiving ones I have. So naturally, my thoughts turned to Thanksgiving & all the many blessings I have. I’ve been struggling with a few personal things lately and as part of overcoming these things, I’ve been trying to focus more on the positive things in life and the tender mercies of the Lord that I receive, than on my problems and trials I currently am facing. Maybe you’ve done that before – but somehow it “magically” helps make things better.
Since Thanksgiving is this month and people tend to focus more on being thankful at this time of year I thought I’d share a few thoughts on that topic for this month’s “Sunshine on Sunday” post. I found a few quotes and a few video clips that I just love & I wanted to share them.
Personally, I sometimes have issues just being content. I find myself thinking that the “grass is always greener on the other side.” So I’ve found that having gratitude for what I have and realizing I should be thankful for my own problems and trials is truly important. I love this video clip where random people are asked what they are thankful for. Some of their answers are so simple – but really remind you of all the things we can be thankful for, but might forget about.
I have so much for which to be grateful. To name just a few — I have a wonderful husband who supports me in all I do, I’ve been blessed with 3 amazing daughter’s, I have you, my fabulous readers who read our blog, and I am especially thankful for my 2 hands, for without them I couldn’t share things with you here on our blog (doing hair & typing!)
What they say in that video really is true. Sometimes the greatest blessings are right in front of us and it is so easy to over look them and focus on what we don’t have or on our problems. Below is probably my favorite quote of all. Even if we can be thankful for the clouds in the sky or a bird chirping in a tree … there is always, always something to be thankful for.
I would challenge you to live in thanksgiving daily – and not just during the months of November & December when the holidays are upon us. Count your blessings each night before you go to bed. Our Heavenly Father loves each of us dearly and He has given us so much …. we just sometimes have to open our eyes a little more to notice — and then we need to give thanks.
I’d love it if you commented and told me 5 things
for which you are thankful today!
You can read other posts from our Sunshine on Sunday series HERE. Or to learn more about what I believe, and how it brings peace and happiness to my life, click HERE. And as always — no matter where you are, or what you believe, I hope you have a Sunday full of Sunshine!
Here’s other uplifting posts that will be sure to bring you some sunshine today:
i love this post! i have so many things to be thankful for so 5 should be no problem.
1. a weekend in St. George
2. an able body to run and be active
3. fall this year
4. upcoming holidays
5. friends and family
i’m happy to say i could really keep going and going and going, thanks for the reminder to be thankful for what we have.