It’s Tuesday again & I’ve gotten several different tips from you guys already and I’m so excited to share this one today. I thought it’s very appropriate & might be helpful since it’s summer time & there is plenty of swimming going on.
This one comes from Lauren:
She and her daughter both have very blond hair. She got this tip from her hairdresser & she says it works wonderful & is cheap too! (Always a plus, right?!)
If you have trouble with your hair turning green from chlorine in the pool this is what she suggests:
“Lemonade Kool-Aid does the trick. Mix it with water and apply to the green parts of your hair (before shampoo). Try to avoid scalp and eyes. You can see how long it takes by watching the green disappear (usually not more then a couple minutes) rinse, shampoo and then condition. If you hair is super green, apply as many times as needed. Sounds crazy, but it works!”
I asked her if this only works on people with very very blond hair and if you don’t have very blond hair if it would turn it yellow. She said she’s never had any problem with that. She said she gets highlights too and has never had probs & her hair dresser uses it too.
So there you have it. Now don’t come ready to kill me if this doesn’t work for you though, ok?! I’m just passing along tips that other’s give me, or that I find out for myself! I’ve never claimed to be an expert here remember! But you figure if she’s doing it & being told to do it by her hair dresser, you’re probably pretty ok! 🙂
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Ok – now just a few other words – nothing tip related, if I may. This is more on a personal note, if you might indulge me for a moment.
I appreciate all the e-mails I’ve been getting recently of people requesting me to join Twitter or to follow them on Twitter, or however it all works. Also on Facebook. I know this is the way of the future I assume. I do do Facebook, but that, for me, has nothing to do with hair, and at this point I’ve chosen to keep it that way.
I know there are other bloggers out there that do all those things, and if it works for them that’s great. I just have had to take a step back from things & look at trying to keep things in balance. I have this blog, along with a couple other private family blogs that I also have to keep up on and to do those, along with Twitter and a Facebook for hair, I just can’t. I really can’t. I know it’s all fun and is a great way to social network, and put myself out there, etc., but I already feel like, at times, that my family, along with other major things in my life get put on the back burner just so I can spend time at the computer. And for me, that doesn’t sit well with my conscience. I hope you can understand this & not be annoyed with me if I don’t get involved in the whole Twittering & FB realm. This may make you not want to follow me or whatever, and I understand. But this is more a fun hobby for me, and I feel like if I start all that other stuff, it will start not being fun anymore and I don’t want that to happen. For me this isn’t about posting daily, being the best or anything like that – it’s simply a hobby that I enjoy sharing with all of you. So thanks for your understanding and allowing me to try keep a balance between family & home along with blogging & the time I spend at the computer!
Ok – with that said, I also need to add, that I’ve always probably been a little slow at dealing with e-mail but as this summer has started, it’s gotten even worse. So I’ve been playing catch up and had a TON of e-mails that I’ve worked through today. There are many new links I’ve added, new creative people, as well as hair doers so feel free to look around. I’m sorry I haven’t been the best at linking about contests and such lately. Another problem with keeping up I guess. Like probably most of us, at times I’m more on top of the game than others — and lately with the kids home 24/7 I’m not so on top of things so I ask for your patience. Know that if I don’t happen to post about your stuff I’m not trying to snub you or be rude …. it’s just that I may not get to it until it’s too late & I’m sorry. Until my kids are older, maybe I’m not cut out for all this blogging! 🙂 But I’m doing the best I can.
Alright, enough of all that. Come back tomorrow for a fun new hair post, ok?! I finally got it uploaded from my camera! Thanks again for everyone that follows me & takes the time to comment and show me the love! I appreciate all your support & patience!