I can hardly believe how fast the summer has flown by. I don’t know about you, but it’s been a crazy busy summer for us! School starts here in just a couple weeks, so as sad as it is, my mind is turning to back-to-school stuff. But the fun back-to-school stuff is coming up with new hairstyles! In the past, we’ve shared many back-to-school styles, and this one fits great into the mix! This pretty half-up hairstyle is a combo of several techniques, including a braid and a knot or two! It’s not hard, and you can substitute the 4 strand braid for whatever braid is your favorite. I think a fishtail braid would look awesome with this style too.
Here’s our video showing how it’s done, and more instructions and pictures are below. If you’re having trouble viewing the video, go HERE to watch it on our YouTube channel.
1- Part out a triangular section of hair from the temples back to the center of the crown. Make a small ponytail with this section of hair. With a Topsy Tail, flip the ponytail under.
Need a Topsy Tail? Grab your Topsy Tail HERE today! We use ours so much, you’ll love having one!
2 – Next, part the hair from ear to ear. Divide this into a left and right section, with a part that runs right under the ponytail from Step 1.
3 – Make a ponytail with each of these sections. Using your Topsy Tail, flip the ponytails from left to right (the left ponytail) & right to left (the right ponytail), not up and down.
So on the left ponytail, you will stick the pointed end of the Topsy Tail under the elastic from the left to the right side. Then placing the hair through the looped end, pulling on the pointed end, pull it toward the right side of the head. Be sure you flip the ponytail sideways like this or the next steps won’t work!
4 – Back to the top center ponytail, braid this hair into a 4 strand braid. Gently pull on the edges of the braid to pancake it and make it flatter. Once you reach the end, secure with an elastic.
You can do any type of braid with this section if you want. If you need help with 4 strand braids go HERE.
5- Next, with the right and left ponytail, draw those together and tie a half knot right on top of the braid.
To keep this part from loosening up, I place a little claw clip through the hair to hold it temporarily.
6 – Continue tying half knots to make a string of knots. Once you can’t tie knots anymore, secure the end with an elastic.
Don’t forget to remove your little clip at the beginning of the knot if you used one!
7 – Now draw the knotted section of hair upward to gently wrap up in the center of the 3 flipped ponytails. You are not really wrapping it into a bun, but arranging the knots to lay in between the flipped ponytails. Do not cover the flipped ponytail section of hair with these knots.
8 – Secure the knots as needed with bobby pins.

Here’s some other back-to-school hairstyles we’ve shared (click on the name above the picture to go to that post):
Very beautiful and female!
Thank you so much! Glad you liked it!