To start with, perhaps you noticed it’s been a little quiet here lately. I’ll be honest. I’ve been a bit really overwhelmed with a lot of things lately, and I just needed to take some time to regroup and try get a handle on things. I’m just taking things a day at a time right now and so that meant things here were neglected, and I apologize. But we’re back today, with an extra special post. While it’s not a hair tutorial, we think you’ll like it just as much, if not more! I’ve got 2 words for you: name reveal! Yes – that’s right …
If you’ve been a follower of our blog for any amount of time, you know that I’ve called my girl’s by their nicknames rather than their real names. It’s just what I’ve chosen to do. People have truly believed their real names were actually Goose, Bug, and Bee… but they are not! Despite others thinking it is perhaps overprotective or dumb we decided to keep their names to ourselves, and that’s how it’s been now for almost 10 years. As the girls have grown, I’ve debated on when, or if, we’d ever share their names. Well, the time has come.
My 15 year old has decided to share her name. Several weeks back, my oldest daughter, aka Goose, shared a video where she told everyone she was going to reveal her name. But then she decided to have a little contest to see if anyone could guess it. Thanks to everyone who entered her contest.
It’s hard to believe that when we started blogging and she was 5, she’d just cut and donated her hair for the first time. She was in Kindergarten back then, and it’s like I’ve blinked and now she’s a sophomore in high school!
Kindergarten – Age 5 or 6

Sophomore – Age 15
Well, I won’t drag it out any longer! It’s time for THE BIG NAME REVEAL! She’s sharing her name, and some other fun stuff about her summer in today’s video. So we hope you’ll enjoy it.
Here’s her short video. If you have issues watching it here on our blog, go HERE to watch it on our YouTube Channel.
She’s done a few other tutorials, so be sure to check them out. Click on the name to go to the tutorial.
How to do Tight Dutch Braids on Yourself
How to do a Waterfall Twist on Yourself
Thanks for stopping by and for watching her video. We hope you’ll come back soon. And thanks for your patience with everything here!