This post is obviously different from my normal weekly hair tutorial posts — in that, there is no hair tutorial. That may send most of you running, as that’s why you most likely visit our blog, and not to mention, most people don’t really “read blogs” anymore. However, I hope you might stick around and read this post despite that! This post is more about “keepin’ it real” for you, my readers. I’m not saying I’ve been fake or anything, this post just is about me and my life right now, and NOT about hair.
This post is about me admitting that I can’t do it ALL and that it’s ok. I don’t know about you, but when I read blogs, the life of bloggers’ appear to be perfect, and that everything in their life appears to be in complete balance. And in some case, it may very well be. (Perhaps it’s due to all those Pinterest-worthy and magazine-like pictures!) And even if you’re not a blogger, with social media being so prevalent today, everyone seems to be comparing their life to someone else’s. So this e-card might resonate with you:
My life is not perfect — and of course, I am not perfect. And it certainly has not been my intention to make it seem like it is.
My life may not be perfect — but it is perfect for me.
My house is often messy, and my bathrooms need to be cleaned. I don’t prepare balanced meals for my children every day, and my girls hair does not always look like they are going to the prom! If I’m ahead in one area of my life, I’m behind in a bunch of others. I really stink at juggling all that is on my plate, and I’m easily over whelmed. Maybe I’m lame in telling you all this, but I want you to know that I’m just a girl with struggles of her own!
Last October in a post, I mentioned some of our struggles we’d been having with my husband and his job situation. Well the struggle and roller coaster ride has continued since that time. Without writing a novel of a post about his employment ups & downs, he’s been working in Arizona for 3-4 days/week for the past several months and I’ve been playing single mom. (Which I have to say I really stink at!) He actually was offered a job in Arizona which we were so thankful for, and so we thought we’d be moving. That of course added stress and excitement at the same time! Well, long story short, we decided it wasn’t what was best for our family and so he turned it down. Along the way there have been so many other job interviews, even some offers, but none have been right for our family. Until recently. He has accepted a new job and we feel it is what he’s supposed to be doing and where he should be. It also doesn’t require us to move out of state! Needless to say we are so grateful for all we have learned along the way and for this new opportunity that has been given to him. So fingers crossed that things will work out well and the roller coaster ride is slowing down in that area of our lives!
Years back I’d shared on the blog that I suffered from extremely debilitating migraines, and thankfully, with physical therapy had been able to get rid of them for the most part. Well, due to all the stress from everything from this last year, the migraines have returned and I’m in pain a lot of the time. So playing single mom with migraines is even funner! 😉 Thankfully the migraines haven’t been as extreme as the ones I had in the past, but I’ve been getting at least one a week, if not more, which tends to be frustrating because I accomplish nothing when I have them!
Also, as all the job drama and my migraines has been going on, we also have been dealing with some health concerns with our sweet little Bee. We’re still not exactly sure what’s “wrong” – or if there even is anything wrong at this point, but we’re in the process of working through doctor appointments and trying to figure out if there is a problem. Initially we thought she might have Tourette’s Syndrome, but that doesn’t appear to be the case. We are pretty sure that she does have some sort of “tic disorder” but that is still yet to be actually diagnosed. There are some other concerns I have as well, but we’re just in the beginning phase of some of this medical stuff so I’ll just leave it at that. I’ve had to find joy in the simple things that happen with Bee lately to try keep me from totally stressing out about her health concerns.
I am not writing this post to make you feel bad for me, and I am well aware that things could be SO much worse. I’m also aware that many of you struggle with things 100 times harder than what we are dealing with. I just thought I’d give you a little glimpse into what’s been going on in our life this past year, and let you know that I’m right there with the rest of you. We all struggle. And as a mother and wife, some days I consider it a good day if I actually got out of bed to face the world!
So because of all that’s been going on in our family, I’m not afraid to admit that this week it was just too much for me to get a hair tutorial posted. I am physically, mentally, and spiritually exhausted and despite having tutorials to share, I just wasn’t up to posting one today. I hope you’ll forgive me! 😉
I tell you all this because if you are struggling with things in your life, know that you are not alone. Take time to celebrate the little successes in life – even if it’s that put on jeans instead of yoga pants today! And find joy in the little things as well — even if it’s just a pretty white fluffy cloud in the sky! You are stronger than you think! And remember, as we all go through these hard times called life:
If you’ve made it to this part of the post – thank you! Thanks for reading and for your understanding! Hopefully this also explains why if you’ve commented on posts, FB, IG or other social media, I’ve not always been quick to reply or have perhaps not even seen your comments. So I apologize! See you next week with a new tutorial!
As I read your post, this quote came to mind, “If for awhile, the harder you try the harder it gets, take heart. So it has been with the best people who ever lived.” Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
I hope things get better soon. 🙂
Thank you Sariah. Funny you should mention that quote … I actually have it printed up and stuck to the side of my computer monitor! Elder Holland is one of my favorites and I especially loved that quote from him!
I’m going through a rough time in my life as well. Thank you for this meaningful post. I pray that things get better for you and your family in time.
Thanks for keeping it real and for sharing what is going on with you. It is SOOOOO hard to juggle it all WITHOUT the added stress of a job in limbo, playing single mom and health concerns – it’s crazy to think of juggling life with all that too. (If I’m ahead in one area, I’m definitely behind in others too!) I love how positive you stay despite your hardships. Your readers will still be here, and thankfully there is lots of amazing content to keep people coming to your site even if you aren’t able to post something new each week. Thinking and praying for you and your family! Hope the stress passes (or lessens at least!) soon.
I just want to take a moment and say thank you. I found your website by accident. We just finished up the ABC hairdo. I just love how you teach and anyone can get. Mostly importantly I like your thoughts on this blog. Thank you for keep it real and be honest. Keep your chin up and hold on. Prayers
Aww, thank you so much for your sweet comment. It means so much to know people care. I’m so glad you found us and have had fun doing our ABC styles! So fun. Thank you again for reaching out to us and offering support!
It seems to be getting more and more common these days than ppl think, having a spouse who works out of state/province/country, leaving the other spouse at home having to juggle the responsibilities of two. It’s not easy, and rebuilding the family unit after so long apart (it lasted for around 6 years total that my husband was working out of the countries we lived in, give or take a year…) is still going on, but we’re getting there. We’re now all in one country (and house) and starting to get on track again. I hope, that is. (Things start going well and then all hell breaks loose, so idk anymore…) *fingers crossed* I guess what I’m trying to say is that it’s do-able, you can do it (even imperfectly), and I know I’m not alone in admiring that someone out there can not only manage (again, however imperfectly) but can do it while admitting things aren’t going as well as hoped/planned for. I’ve only just found your site tonight (or this morning? LOL It’s now almost 2am here) and there’s just so much inspiring stuff to go through, I don’t even know where to start.
But it does give me hope that things CAN be done, and it’s not necessarily as hard as I think/feel it is. (as far as managing not only The Bean’s hair, but mine too. One of my teachers a long time ago once said that if you make a little effort to look nice, you will FEEL nice, ACT nice, and BE nice. And it helps not just with learning, but with life in general. I think it still applies, and it’s been over 30 years since he said this in Math class way back when. (wow I feel so old hehe))
Sorry I’m not too coherent – it’s been a long day, I’m STILL awake despite being exhausted, but I couldn’t let it go without saying something, because I found it oddly inspiring, whether you meant it that way or not. That if someone I don’t even know, who appears to have a perfect life, can admit she doesn’t… and still get on with things, then so can I.
Thank you. <3
(btw, your daughters are adorable, and I do hope Bee will be ok and her health problems can be sorted without too much trouble.)
Thank you so much for your sweet comment and kind words. I love the saying you shared and I totally agree. Especially for me personally – I know when I get up and showered and ready for the day I am more productive, nicer, and feel better about life in general. Sorry you guys have had to struggle w/being apart as your husband has worked away. It truly is no fun. My dad worked in a different state for several years growing up, but thankfully it made my parents marriage grow stronger rather than the opposite. Hugs to you and your family & thanks again for your comment. 🙂