I’ve been meaning to write about my 2 new (hair related) loves for a while, and I’ve recently added a 3rd to the list, and seeing as how it’s the day of love tomorrow – I figured what better time to share them?!
But first – if you are still looking for V-day heart hair ideas — head HERE for the few I’ve done.
Ok, on to my new loves. First is our new brush. It’s a Conair anti-static brush. I know – you all probably have one of these fabulous things, but I’ve always eyed them at the store but didn’t want to spend that much on a brush. (You should know by now I’m cheap!) Well these were on a close-out rack at a store recently for 50% off, so I did a silent jump for joy and grabbed the last one. Bug has the most sensitive head and with her really long hair, plenty of knots at times. This has been the answer – big time. So, if you’ve yet to get a brush similar to this – I’m saying it’s worth the investment. I should have done it sooner!
The 2nd new love is this Herbal Essences Shampoo. It’s “degunkify-ing” and works great to get out all the crap that builds up on my hair, as well as the girls. Plus it’s kinda cool cuz it makes your scalp tingle a bit – which is a weird, yet cool feeling! And of course, it smells oh so yummy!
And here is my 3rd love. My funky leopard print hair cutting sheers.
There’s a lot of things I said I’d never do — first being that I’d never cut my husband’s hair. Well, guess what he’s been having me do for the past 6 months? Yup – cut his hair. I still hate it, and it makes me sooo nervous, but I do it — because I love him — and it saves money. He bought a pair of barber clippers and let’s me have at it!
And the 2nd thing I said I’d never do is cut my girls hair. Well I caved on this one too today. My sister is the beautician and usually trims the girls hair up periodically when she comes to town, but the last many times she’s come she hasn’t had the time, so I caved. I bought me a pair of sheers (not “real” ones that cost $100 from Sally’s like real salon people use – but a $13 pair from Wal-Mart.) Embarrassingly enough, Bee had NEVER had a haircut. No, she’s 3 now and never had one. The other 2 girls had their first haircut around 2 years – which is a long time to wait, but 3 years? Wow. Anyway, now Bee can say her mommy gave her her 1st hair cut. Ok, so it was a trim, but still, I evened things up a bit and it looks so much better.
The pic below is after I’d trimmed it. The angle of the pic may make it look not so even, but it really is! I’m so proud of myself!
And while I was at it, I trimmed Goose’s and took several inches off of Bug’s (hers needed it the most.) She was kinda bummed because she was hoping to do Locks of Love soon, but she’s just going to have to wait a little longer.
I’ve watched my sister cut enough heads of hair, and I watched many videos on YouTube on how to cut hair — just to be sure I’d get the best result. Not that watching a video on YouTube is going to give you the full know-how by any means — but desperate times right?! Anyway, my girls are all trimmed up, and things turned out swimmingly if I do say so myself! The YouTube video I used to have linked is no longer available on YouTube for whatever reason … sorry! But if you’re brave enough, I say invest in a little pair of hair cutting sheers, and rather than paying $10-$15 to have a little trim on your dd’s hair, have a go at trimming her hair yourself. Just remember do a little bit at a time because there’s no gluing back on if you cut too much off!