This one was a just hurry and do something before school & I didn’t have the camera upstairs – but I think it’s pretty straight forward. I really liked the whole accent braid thing from this old post of mine, so I thought I’d mix it up a little more.
I parted Goose’s hair on the right side – as I typically do. Then I parted out 4 little sections of hair. With the front 2 I made little braids (the picture below is from another hairdo where I did 4 rope/twist braids – but it’s the same idea.) With the back 2 sections I did rope/twist braids. Tie each of them off with a rubberband when you get down as far as you can on the hair.
Once you’ve finished braiding/twisting the sections, clip them up out of the way. Then take the remaining hair and pull it back into a ponytail. I decided not to pull it through for the final wrap of the rubber band and left it as a “semi-messy bun.” Those are not my forte – at least whenever I do them as others have shown on their blogs I don’t like how they turn out on my DD’s hair. Basically I’m “messy bun challenged.” How can one be? you ask. It’s a messy bun – how can you go wrong? I don’t know – but I do! I don’t think they ever come out looking as cute as the other bloggers do them, so I do do them, but don’t post them! 🙂 Anyway …. where was I? Make a messy bun or whatever in the back and then unclip them and let them hang back down.
Sorry, the pic below is blurry. Once I had my bun semi-ok positioned, I took the rope/twist braids and pulled them / draped them back across her head putting the ends underneath the messy bun & fastened them with bobbypins – so they are hidden under the bun.. (depending on how long the hair you’re working with is, will determine how “drapy” the braids will hang.)
Then I took the sections that were braided and pulled them towards the back as well (on top of the rope/twist braids) and used bobby pins to secure them into the sides of the messy bun – hiding the rubber bands and all.
Add a flower and there you go. You can do this with all braids – or whatever variety of twists/ braids that you prefer.
And off to school she went …. smiling all the way!
hey girl!!! I am from Mexicali B.C across the border from Calexico CA, and let me tell you i love what you do, but I would like more videos from your hairstyles.
thank you.
Hey there! I’m trying to do more videos these days, it just depends on the time I’ve got. Some people prefer step-by-step pix, others videos, so I try to do a bit of both to make everyone happy! 🙂