It’s been a while since I’ve done a post of tips, and I’ve had a few things in my head lately – mainly time saver tips, so I thought I’d share.
Tip #1 –
Don’t put your hair in a ponytail at night if you don’t want that “neat line” through the hair in the morning. You know what I’m talking about right? Hopefully so.
The girls don’t like having their hair in their face, so after I wash the girls’ hair at night (and no it’s not ever night) and we’ve dried it- I pull their hair back like this (just section out the top section of the hair on the head):
Years ago I used to just pony tail them at bed time, but then every day I had to deal with that dumb wave all the way across their head that the rubber band made (this is assuming you want their hair down – if you’re just going to put it in a ponytail or something anyway, this obviously doesn’t matter.) So I started just pulling it up on top. May sound silly and simple but it helps. And since I’m always doing something on the top of their head with their hair, the little bit of a line that that rubber band leaves always disappears quick and easy once I’ve misted it with my water bottle.
Of course, if your dd is a way crazy sleeper you might be saying “If I leave her hair down like that, it’ll be a total rats nest in the morning.” So maybe try tip #2.
Tip #2 –
Try a slickery (that’s probably not a word!) or a silky pillow case or scarf.
My mom to this day still sleeps on a silky pillow case, because for whatever reason your hair in the morning looks just like it did when you went to bed the night before. I hear it’s also good for the skin – but that’s another topic all together. So if you or your dd has major bed head in the morning try a silky pillow case.
Tip #3 –
A time saving tip — PLAN your hair do’s — yes I said plan.
Just like you might plan a meal, and then plan to have extra for leftovers the next day. Depending on the hair do the girls might sport one day, I plan my hair do for the next day off of it. If I part their hair down the middle for pigtails, I don’t pull them out at night. So the next day, I still basically have a part down the middle, and we then do Pocahontas braids, or something like that. Or if I know I’m washing their hair that night, I’ll do something that may cause major curls or something that wouldn’t be the easiest to work with the following morning – because I know it’s going to be washed out that night. Depending on the hairdo I’ll leave it in when they go to bed, so I can work with the “leftovers” the following morning. BUT if a hairdo has lots of rubber bands etc. I DO pull those out before they go to bed, thus, saving me time in the morning as we’re rushing around trying to get ready for school. Also, if you do a zig-zag part one day – don’t comb it out when they go to bed. Leave it for the next day and do a style w/a zig-zag part. You’ll save time not having to comb that all out and start from scratch. It doesn’t take much – but give a little thought to what you’ll do in their hair – the day before & you’ll be surprised that it does save a bit of time.
Tip #4 –
Give hair a break. Yes, I’m actually saying that! Don’t put your hair, or your dd’s in a pony tail or braids, or little ponies, or whatever every day in the same spot. If you’ve been pulling the hair up a lot, let it be down for a while. Of course, we all know hair breaks, so watch for signs of that if your dd starts getting a lot of shorter hairs around the front of her face, it’s probably from using too many rubber bands and such, and it’s time to give that a break for a while. That’s another reason why I sort of “plan” hair styles for the girls, so their hair isn’t being styled the same and in the same spot every single day. That’s also why side pony’s are great! Gives the hair in middle of the back of the hair a much needed break (as in time off – not as in breaking off!)
Sorry this got rather long & wordy. But that’s me. Sorry! Anyway, hope those tips help a bit. If you have any more time saving or great hair tips, feel free to send them my way & I’ll get them posted.
If the hair is quick-drying, you can also wet a comb and dampen the kinked hair… it should stay in the shape it dries in. My hair is fine and a touch on the thin side though, so your mileage may vary.