Sorry for the delay getting this posted. It appears that 2016 is not loving my family! We’ve had illness lasting for weeks and I had a major migraine hit yesterday when I normally would be finalizing things here for our post. So I apologize for the delay!
This is a cute & easy style that is perfect for any age, but I’m loving it on my tween! Her older sister actually did it on her first as a way to leave her hair down but be slightly pulled back and out of her face. It’d be great if you have layers, or are trying to grow your bangs out and they are driving you crazy!
Step 1 – (Optional) Curl all the ends of your hair
Step 2 – Make an off-center part on the right side of the head from forehead to crown
Step 3 – On the left side of the part on the top of the head, divide out 2 small sections of hair about 1.5″ apart
Step 4 – Bring the 2 sections of hair together so they form a V
Step 5 – Combine them with a colored elastic about 1.5″ down from the side part making a small ponytail
Step 6 – Flip the ponytail up and over the elastic so it slightly twists the “V” shape of hair
Step 7 – Divide out 2 more small sections of hair, one on the right, and one of the left of the hair you divided out in Step 3
Step 8 – Bring them together below the elastic from the first V and secure with a colored elastic
You can make the elastics as close or far apart as you like. Ours were about 1 or 1.5 inches apart going down the side of the head
Step 9 – Flip the ponytail up and over the elastic as you did in Step 6
You will now have 2 “V” sections on the side of the head
Step 10 – Repeat the above process 2 more times, each time creating a “deeper” V shape with the sections of hair
For the 4th V you should be using hair right near the hairline by the face and hair at the end of the part near the crown pulled together to create the lowest V for the hairstyle.

Here’s a more up close look at the “Chevron” pattern. You can put them closer together or further apart, or even add a few more if you like. It’s a great way to keep the hair out of the face though!
And if you haven’t gotten tired of “Chevron stuff” yet, be sure to check out a few of our other Chevron Hairstyles!
And of course, today’s fun Chevron Pullback! Be sure to pin it for later!